Here is sum HIStory for ya about this song, Is It Scary was originally intended for the HIStory album. However, MJ recorded so many songs for the album that they HAD to cut it down. Although Is It Scary was one of MJ's favorite tracks, they had to cut it because it did not fit where with the flow of the album. The song was then going to be used for the Addams Family Values soundtrack, but then the studio cut the song from the soundtrack because they thought the song was too dark for the movie. So then MJ just said fuck it, and through it on the Blood On The Dance Floor album.
Blood on the Dance Floor would be the last time we heard from MJ for 4 years. During the HIStory tour, MJ thought it would be nice to release some new material for the fans. Blood on The Dance Floor had 5 previously unreleased material, along with a few remix tracks. In my opinion, I don't really count the remix tracks, with the exception of the Scream (Flyte Tyme Scream Louder Mix), damn near ALL the HIStory remixes on that album is garbage. I read some where that MJ originally wanted Blood On The Dance Floor to be an EP with just the new tracks. However, Sony didn't understand the power that MJ had and forced him to put all those crappy remixes on the album. Nevertheless Blood On The Dance Floor became one of the highest selling remix albums of all time, take that Diddy..
Now my favorite track on this album is Is It Scary, this track is perfection at its finest. Janet's producers Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis really made an EPIC on this track. The song plays almost like a storm, the first 5 seconds of the track you hear nothing but a haunting wind blow. Then a piano calmly starts playing very soothing like a light sprinkle in a rain shower. After that, you hear a haunting bass come in like thunder, and then the REAL song begins. MJ's vocals on this track is AMAZING, this track gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it. My favorite part of the song is the bridge, when the song switches up on you like the eye of the storm. Then when Michael says "IS IT SCARY FOR YOU BAABY?!" the song just becomes a MONSTER. I rarely listen to this track in a car because I am scared it will blow out the windows. Then after MJ sings the final note, the song tones down, with only a piano playing very lightly the same way it began. I like how in the end of the song you hear that final piano key and you hear the wind blow letting you know that you should press that rewind button. This is song is one of my all time FAVORITE MJ songs.
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